07 agosto 2009

5-7/10/09 – Il secondo Congresso Pan Africano sulla cultura ad Addis Ababa

Cosa: Secondo Congresso Pan Africano sulla cultura,
Dove: Addis Ababa, Etiopia
Quando: 5-7 ottobre 2009
Comunicato stampa:

The Second Cultural Pan African Congress will be held from 5th – 7th October 2009 in Addis Ababa, organised by the African Union.

The general theme of the congress will be “the inventory, protection and promotion of African cultural assets”. The congress will also address the themes of the partnership role of the public and private sectors, the development of activities of patrons of the arts and artistic creativity in Africa. Many African countries face a distinct lack of possibilities in terms of satisfactory funding of the cultural sector. One of the solutions commonly sought after by the governments of these countries, as well as by artists and cultural operators is the recourse to patrons of the arts and partnerships, which can take place in a great variety of ways. These interventions have had the effect of increasing the publication of literary works, films, exhibitions, concerts etc. and in general leading to a growth in the protection and promotion of cultural assets in Africa.

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