25 giugno 2009

Africa opens its eyes to its art

La Nouvelle Liberté, sculpture monumentale de Joseph Sumegne à  Douala, Doual'art 1996

La Nouvelle Liberté, sculpture monumentale de Joseph Sumegne à Douala, Doual'art 1996

For our internet readers we publish the article “Africa opens its eyes to its art” as a preview from the last number of The Courier (special 3, June 2009):

After almost two decades characterised by the intense effort to fight the invisibility of African art in the contemporary scene – through big pan African exhibitions, important publications and participation in biennials – now the most appealing trend in African contemporary art is the involvement of the African public together with the participation of local governments, museums and sponsors.

In recent years we observed the birth of some extremely interesting initiatives in several African countries, led by curators and artists firmly convinced that it is necessary to bridge the huge divide between African artists (cultivated, recognized worldwide, and with international relations) and African citizens living in widely different conditions. These initiatives move from the assumption that all people have the right to access the knowledge and input that contemporary art can give them. They have the right to be educated in art interpretation, and to experience its richness and aesthetic pleasure that it can give. They have the right to visit a contemporary art gallery and enjoy it. Africa must open its eyes to its artistic production.

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