The Statistical Dossier on Immigration speaks to Young people and citizens!


The media updates us daily on the immigration phenomenon in Italy, giving us numbers, percentages and statistics. The speed of the information, and its brevity, however, prevent us from having a clear and comprehensive picture of the phenomenon, thus encouraging the spread of prejudices, “myths” and false media which do not represent the actual data. In reaction to this, Africa e Mediterraneo has gladly undertaken the commitment of being part of the network that supports the Statistical Dossier on Immigration produced annually by IDOS. As a reference point for the region of Emilia Romagna, it contributed to the Dossier’s spread through conferences and meetings in public spaces and schools, in order to promote a clear and real situation of the migration phenomenon in Italy. Because racism can be defeated also thanks to a sound information and communication.


The Statistical Dossier on Immigration IDOS (already “Dossier Statistico Immigrazione” Caritas/Migrantes) is a project edited by the Centre for Studies and Research IDOS in 2013 and 2014 on behalf of the UNAR – National Antidiscrimination and Racial Office (Ufficio Nazionale Antidiscriminazioni Razziali – Dipartimento per le Pari Opportunità della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri). It has been produced annually since 1991 and gathers together all the available data on the immigration phenomenon in Italy, reporting it on a national and European level and in local and regional areas with an in-depth analysis on various aspects of the phenomenon. With a specific project, Africa e Mediterraneo and IDOS have organised a series of actions for the dissemination of the Statistical Dossier, presenting it during conferences and public debates, in schools and youth centres in several provinces of Emilia Romagna, and also organising a workshop focusing on the use of social media to communicate the issue of immigration (

Africa e Mediterraneo’s blog dedicate to the “Statistical Dossier on Immigration” a section where it publishes press releases of regional events and of other events linked to the Statistical Dossier on Immigration, with the possibility to leave comments and to click on links for other sites addressing related topics.